WOW Gold(Version 10.0)
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- Aegwynn-Alliance
- Aegwynn-Horde
- Aerie Peak-Alliance
- Aerie Peak-Horde
- Agamaggan-Alliance
- Agamaggan-Horde
- Aggramar-Alliance
- Aggramar-Horde
- Akama-Alliance
- Akama-Horde
- Alexstrasza-Alliance
- Alexstrasza-Horde
- Alleria-Alliance
- Alleria-Horde
- Altar of Storms-Alliance
- Altar of Storms-Horde
- Alterac Mountains-Alliance
- Alterac Mountains-Horde
- Aman'Thul-Alliance
- Aman'Thul-Horde
- Andorhal-Alliance
- Andorhal-Horde
- Anetheron-Alliance
- Anetheron-Horde
- Antonidas-Alliance
- Antonidas-Horde
- Anub'arak-Alliance
- Anub'arak-Horde
- Anvilmar-Alliance
- Anvilmar-Horde
- Arathor-Alliance
- Arathor-Horde
- Archimonde-Alliance
- Archimonde-Horde
- Area 52-Alliance
- Area 52-Horde
- Argent Dawn-Alliance
- Argent Dawn-Horde
- Arthas-Alliance
- Arthas-Horde
- Arygos-Alliance
- Arygos-Horde
- Auchindoun-Alliance
- Auchindoun-Horde
- Azgalor-Alliance
- Azgalor-Horde
- Azjol-Nerub-Alliance
- Azjol-Nerub-Horde
- Azralon-Alliance
- Azralon-Horde
- Azshara-Alliance
- Azshara-Horde
- Azuremyst-Alliance
- Azuremyst-Horde
- Baelgun-Alliance
- Baelgun-Horde
- Balnazzar-Alliance
- Balnazzar-Horde
- Barthilas-Alliance
- Barthilas-Horde
- Black Dragonflight-Alliance
- Black Dragonflight-Horde
- Blackhand-Alliance
- Blackhand-Horde
- Blackrock-Alliance
- Blackrock-Horde
- Blackwater Raiders-Alliance
- Blackwater Raiders-Horde
- Blackwing Lair-Alliance
- Blackwing Lair-Horde
- Bladefist-Alliance
- Bladefist-Horde
- Blade's Edge-Alliance
- Blade's Edge-Horde
- Bleeding Hollow-Alliance
- Bleeding Hollow-Horde
- Blood Furnace-Alliance
- Blood Furnace-Horde
- Bloodhoof-Alliance
- Bloodhoof-Horde
- Bloodscalp-Alliance
- Bloodscalp-Horde
- Bonechewer-Alliance
- Bonechewer-Horde
- Borean Tundra-Alliance
- Borean Tundra-Horde
- Boulderfist-Alliance
- Boulderfist-Horde
- Bronzebeard-Alliance
- Bronzebeard-Horde
- Burning Blade-Alliance
- Burning Blade-Horde
- Burning Legion-Alliance
- Burning Legion-Horde
- Caelestrasz-Alliance
- Caelestrasz-Horde
- Cairne-Alliance
- Cairne-Horde
- Cenarion Circle-Alliance
- Cenarion Circle-Horde
- Cenarius-Alliance
- Cenarius-Horde
- Cho'gall-Alliance
- Cho'gall-Horde
- Chromaggus-Alliance
- Chromaggus-Horde
- Coilfang-Alliance
- Coilfang-Horde
- Crushridge-Alliance
- Crushridge-Horde
- Daggerspine-Alliance
- Daggerspine-Horde
- Dalaran-Alliance
- Dalaran-Horde
- Dalvengyr-Alliance
- Dalvengyr-Horde
- Dark Iron-Alliance
- Dark Iron-Horde
- Darkspear-Alliance
- Darkspear-Horde
- Darrowmere-Alliance
- Darrowmere-Horde
- Dath'Remar-Alliance
- Dath'Remar-Horde
- Dawnbringer-Alliance
- Dawnbringer-Horde
- Deathwing-Alliance
- Deathwing-Horde
- Demon Soul-Alliance
- Demon Soul-Horde
- Dentarg-Alliance
- Dentarg-Horde
- Destromath-Alliance
- Destromath-Horde
- Dethecus-Alliance
- Dethecus-Horde
- Detheroc-Alliance
- Detheroc-Horde
- Doomhammer-Alliance
- Doomhammer-Horde
- Draenor-Alliance
- Draenor-Horde
- Dragonblight-Alliance
- Dragonblight-Horde
- Dragonmaw-Alliance
- Dragonmaw-Horde
- Draka-Alliance
- Draka-Horde
- Drakkari-Alliance
- Drakkari-Horde
- Drak'Tharon-Alliance
- Drak'Tharon-Horde
- Drak'thul-Alliance
- Drak'thul-Horde
- Dreadmaul-Alliance
- Dreadmaul-Horde
- Drenden-Alliance
- Drenden-Horde
- Dunemaul-Alliance
- Dunemaul-Horde
- Durotan-Alliance
- Durotan-Horde
- Duskwood-Alliance
- Duskwood-Horde
- Earthen Ring-Alliance
- Earthen Ring-Horde
- Echo Isles-Alliance
- Echo Isles-Horde
- Eitrigg-Alliance
- Eitrigg-Horde
- Eldre'Thalas-Alliance
- Eldre'Thalas-Horde
- Elune-Alliance
- Elune-Horde
- Emerald Dream-Alliance
- Emerald Dream-Horde
- Eonar-Alliance
- Eonar-Horde
- Eredar-Alliance
- Eredar-Horde
- Executus-Alliance
- Executus-Horde
- Exodar-Alliance
- Exodar-Horde
- Farstriders-Alliance
- Farstriders-Horde
- Feathermoon-Alliance
- Feathermoon-Horde
- Fenris-Alliance
- Fenris-Horde
- Firetree-Alliance
- Firetree-Horde
- Fizzcrank-Alliance
- Fizzcrank-Horde
- Frostmane-Alliance
- Frostmane-Horde
- Frostmourne-Alliance
- Frostmourne-Horde
- Frostwolf-Alliance
- Frostwolf-Horde
- Galakrond-Alliance
- Galakrond-Horde
- Gallywix-Alliance
- Gallywix-Horde
- Garithos-Alliance
- Garithos-Horde
- Garona-Alliance
- Garona-Horde
- Garrosh-Alliance
- Garrosh-Horde
- Ghostlands-Alliance
- Ghostlands-Horde
- Gilneas-Alliance
- Gilneas-Horde
- Gnomeregan-Alliance
- Gnomeregan-Horde
- Goldrinn-Alliance
- Goldrinn-Horde
- Gorefiend-Alliance
- Gorefiend-Horde
- Gorgonnash-Alliance
- Gorgonnash-Horde
- Greymane-Alliance
- Greymane-Horde
- Grizzly Hills-Alliance
- Grizzly Hills-Horde
- Gul'dan-Alliance
- Gul'dan-Horde
- Gundrak-Alliance
- Gundrak-Horde
- Gurubashi-Alliance
- Gurubashi-Horde
- Hakkar-Alliance
- Hakkar-Horde
- Haomarush-Alliance
- Haomarush-Horde
- Hellscream-Alliance
- Hellscream-Horde
- Hydraxis-Alliance
- Hydraxis-Horde
- Hyjal-Alliance
- Hyjal-Horde
- Icecrown-Alliance
- Icecrown-Horde
- Illidan-Alliance
- Illidan-Horde
- Jaedenar-Alliance
- Jaedenar-Horde
- Jubei'Thos-Alliance
- Jubei'Thos-Horde
- Kael'thas-Alliance
- Kael'thas-Horde
- Kalecgos-Alliance
- Kalecgos-Horde
- Kargath-Alliance
- Kargath-Horde
- Kel'Thuzad-Alliance
- Kel'Thuzad-Horde
- Khadgar-Alliance
- Khadgar-Horde
- Khaz Modan-Alliance
- Khaz Modan-Horde
- Khaz'goroth-Alliance
- Khaz'goroth-Horde
- Kil'jaeden-Alliance
- Kil'jaeden-Horde
- Kilrogg-Alliance
- Kilrogg-Horde
- Kirin Tor-Alliance
- Kirin Tor-Horde
- Korgath-Alliance
- Korgath-Horde
- Korialstrasz-Alliance
- Korialstrasz-Horde
- Kul Tiras-Alliance
- Kul Tiras-Horde
- Laughing Skull-Alliance
- Laughing Skull-Horde
- Lethon-Alliance
- Lethon-Horde
- Lightbringer-Alliance
- Lightbringer-Horde
- Lightninghoof-Alliance
- Lightninghoof-Horde
- Lightning's Blade-Alliance
- Lightning's Blade-Horde
- Llane-Alliance
- Llane-Horde
- Lothar-Alliance
- Lothar-Horde
- Madoran-Alliance
- Madoran-Horde
- Maelstrom-Alliance
- Maelstrom-Horde
- Magtheridon-Alliance
- Magtheridon-Horde
- Maiev-Alliance
- Maiev-Horde
- Malfurion-Alliance
- Malfurion-Horde
- Mal'Ganis-Alliance
- Mal'Ganis-Horde
- Malorne-Alliance
- Malorne-Horde
- Malygos-Alliance
- Malygos-Horde
- Mannoroth-Alliance
- Mannoroth-Horde
- Medivh-Alliance
- Medivh-Horde
- Misha-Alliance
- Misha-Horde
- Mok'Nathal-Alliance
- Mok'Nathal-Horde
- Moon Guard-Alliance
- Moon Guard-Horde
- Moonrunner-Alliance
- Moonrunner-Horde
- Mug'thol-Alliance
- Mug'thol-Horde
- Muradin-Alliance
- Muradin-Horde
- Nagrand-Alliance
- Nagrand-Horde
- Nathrezim-Alliance
- Nathrezim-Horde
- Nazgrel-Alliance
- Nazgrel-Horde
- Nazjatar-Alliance
- Nazjatar-Horde
- Nemesis-Alliance
- Nemesis-Horde
- Ner'zhul-Alliance
- Ner'zhul-Horde
- Nesingwary-Alliance
- Nesingwary-Horde
- Nordrassil-Alliance
- Nordrassil-Horde
- Norgannon-Alliance
- Norgannon-Horde
- Onyxia-Alliance
- Onyxia-Horde
- Perenolde-Alliance
- Perenolde-Horde
- Proudmoore-Alliance
- Proudmoore-Horde
- Quel'dorei-Alliance
- Quel'dorei-Horde
- Quel'Thalas-Alliance
- Quel'Thalas-Horde
- Ragnaros-Alliance
- Ragnaros-Horde
- Ravencrest-Alliance
- Ravencrest-Horde
- Ravenholdt-Alliance
- Ravenholdt-Horde
- Rexxar-Alliance
- Rexxar-Horde
- Rivendare-Alliance
- Rivendare-Horde
- Runetotem-Alliance
- Runetotem-Horde
- Sargeras-Alliance
- Sargeras-Horde
- Saurfang-Alliance
- Saurfang-Horde
- Scarlet Crusade-Alliance
- Scarlet Crusade-Horde
- Scilla-Alliance
- Scilla-Horde
- Sen'jin-Alliance
- Sen'jin-Horde
- Shadowmoon-Horde
- Shadowsong-Alliance
- Shadowsong-Horde
- Shandris-Alliance
- Shandris-Horde
- Shattered Halls-Alliance
- Shattered Halls-Horde
- Shattered Hand-Alliance
- Shattered Hand-Horde
- Shu'halo-Alliance
- Shu'halo-Horde
- Silver Hand-Alliance
- Silver Hand-Horde
- Silvermoon-Alliance
- Silvermoon-Horde
- Sisters of Elune-Alliance
- Sisters of Elune-Horde
- Skullcrusher-Alliance
- Skullcrusher-Horde
- Skywall-Alliance
- Skywall-Horde
- Smolderthorn-Alliance
- Smolderthorn-Horde
- Spinebreaker-Alliance
- Spinebreaker-Horde
- Spirestone-Alliance
- Spirestone-Horde
- Staghelm-Alliance
- Staghelm-Horde
- Steamwheedle Cartel-Alliance
- Steamwheedle Cartel-Horde
- Stonemaul-Alliance
- Stonemaul-Horde
- Stormrage-Alliance
- Stormrage-Horde
- Stormreaver-Alliance
- Stormreaver-Horde
- Stormscale-Alliance
- Stormscale-Horde
- Suramar-Alliance
- Suramar-Horde
- Tanaris-Alliance
- Tanaris-Horde
- Terenas-Alliance
- Terenas-Horde
- Terokkar-Alliance
- Terokkar-Horde
- Thaurissan-Alliance
- Thaurissan-Horde
- The Forgotten Coast-Alliance
- The Forgotten Coast-Horde
- The Scryers-Alliance
- The Scryers-Horde
- The Underbog-Alliance
- The Underbog-Horde
- The Venture Co-Alliance
- The Venture Co-Horde
- Thorium Brotherhood-Alliance
- Thorium Brotherhood-Horde
- Thrall-Alliance
- Thrall-Horde
- Thunderhorn-Alliance
- Thunderhorn-Horde
- Thunderlord-Alliance
- Thunderlord-Horde
- Tichondrius-Alliance
- Tichondrius-Horde
- Tol Barad-Alliance
- Tol Barad-Horde
- Tortheldrin-Alliance
- Tortheldrin-Horde
- Trollbane-Alliance
- Trollbane-Horde
- Turalyon-Alliance
- Turalyon-Horde
- Twisting Nether-Alliance
- Twisting Nether-Horde
- Uldaman-Alliance
- Uldaman-Horde
- Uldum-Alliance
- Uldum-Horde
- Undermine-Alliance
- Undermine-Horde
- Ursin-Alliance
- Ursin-Horde
- Uther-Alliance
- Uther-Horde
- Vashj-Alliance
- Vashj-Horde
- Vek'nilash-Alliance
- Vek'nilash-Horde
- Velen-Alliance
- Velen-Horde
- Warsong-Alliance
- Warsong-Horde
- Whisperwind-Alliance
- Whisperwind-Horde
- Wildhammer-Alliance
- Wildhammer-Horde
- Windrunner-Alliance
- Windrunner-Horde
- Winterhoof-Alliance
- Winterhoof-Horde
- Wyrmrest Accord-Alliance
- Wyrmrest Accord-Horde
- Ysera-Alliance
- Ysera-Horde
- Ysondre-Alliance
- Ysondre-Horde
- Zangarmarsh-Alliance
- Zangarmarsh-Horde
- Zul'jin-Alliance
- Zul'jin-Horde
- Zuluhed-Alliance
- Zuluhed-Horde
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