Content Available for Players to Enjoy in WOW Classic
Since release last year, World of Warcraft Classic has received a few content updates. To be exact, it is now on Phase 5 of the PVE content schedule and the Ahn’Qiraj raid has been unlocked so, once you reach the max level, you'll have access to a number of raids and World Bosses to tackle. Here is detailed information about the content.
PvE Content Schedule:
Phase 1 (aka Vanilla launch): Molten Core, Onyxia, Maraudon
Phase 2: Dire Maul, Azuregos, Kazzak
Phase 3: Blackwing Lair, Darkmoon Faire, Darkmoon Deck
Phase 4: Zul'Gurub, Green Dragons
Phase 5: Ahn’Qiraj War Effort kicks off, Ahn’Qiraj raids start as per the progression of the war effort.
Phase 6: Naxxramas, Scourge Invasion
PvP Content Schedule:
Phase 1 (aka Vanilla launch): PvP will be available, but it won't feature any rewards or stat tracking for tacking part
Phase 2: Honor System (including Dishonorable Kills) will be introduced, PvP Rank Rewards rolled out
Phase 3: Alterac Valley (version 1.12), Warsong Gulch battleground introduced
Phase 4: Arathi Basin
Phase 6: World PvP objectives in Silithus and Eastern Plaguelands
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